Terms & Conditions

Ski Challenge Nations Cup / Promotional Terms and Conditions
By entering into the Ski Challenge Nations Cup the participant accepts and agrees to be bound by these Promotional Terms and Conditions (“Promotional Terms and Conditions”). It is important for you to read carefully and understand these Terms and Conditions before you accept them and prior to Your use of the Website. These Terms and Conditions constitute a legally binding agreement between You and the Company. In addition to these Promotional Terms and Conditions, the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy of the Game apply. The Organizer reserves the right to change these Promotional Terms and Conditions and terminate the event in the form of written amendments.
1 General Provisions and Organizer
1.1 The organizer of the Ski Challenge Nations Cup Tournament (as defined below) is Ski Challenge GmbH, with its registered office at Wiedner Hauptstrasse 94, 1050 Vienna, registered in the commercial register of Handelsgericht Wien with company registration no.: 587965f (“Organizer”). These “Term s and Conditions” govern Your (“You”, “Your”, “Participant” or “Player”) use of the game provided to You by the Company. You hereby acknowledge and accept the exclusive validity of such Term s and Conditions.
2 Scope of Application
2.1 The Term s and Conditions apply to the content and services on the Website/App and regulate the relationship between You and the Company. They apply to the entire tournament throughout all its period of execution.
3 Description of the game and of the Ski Challenge Nations Cup
3.1 Developed by the Organizer, Ski Challenge is a virtual 3D simulation for iOS and Android that enables both offline and online ski racing (“Game”). In the Game, the participants can race and compete on a variety of virtual ski slopes which are based on their real-life counterparts.
3.2 The Nations Cup (“Challenge”) is a temporary virtual event within the Game, in which players who meet the Conditions of participation specified in these Promotional Term s and Conditions (“participant” or “participants”) are able to compete against other participants on the Nations Cup and may be eligible to win the prizes specified in these Promotional Terms and Conditions. The goal of the Challenge is to achieve the best possible time among all participants in the races, individually at the first stage and as a team in the second stage, without missing any flags.
4 Duration of the Challenge
4.1 The entire Challenge will start at 00:00 CET on 6th, September 2023, and end at 23:59:59 CET on 24th, March (23:59 CET) 2024.
5 The Tournament
5.1 The Challenge will be divided in two sections: the qualification stage (“Qualification”) and the tournament stage (“Final”).
5.2 The qualification stage will begin at 00:00 CET on the 6th of September 2023 and finish at 23:59:59 CET on the 20th of October. At this stage each participant should race all the designed tracks within the qualification period, with no specific order necessary. According to these results, points will be awarded. Players have a maximum of 3 attempts for each track.
The best time (calculated on no missed flags first) will be taken into consideration to compare with the rest of the performances and define the ranking. In case two or more players finish the race at the exact same time, the one who has finished the race first will get the best ranking position. Punctuation system will be similar to the one used in the actual Ski World Cup, where the winner of the race gets 100 points, the second 80, third 60, and then a downward scale until the 30st position. Points will define the position in the ranking. In the event of having two or more players with the same number of points, priority in the ranking
is given to the players with more race wins. If equal on that, to the one with more 2nd places. If equal on 1sts and 2nds, then it goes to who has more 3rds . In case the tie persists, the best ranking will be assigned to the player who has more 4th places. The success in the qualification stage will lead to the place in a national team that will let the participant to represent her/his country in a final tournament.
5.3 The tournament stage will begin at 00:00 CET on the 11th of November 2023 and finish at 23:59:59 CET on the 24th of March. The players qualified from the previous stage will be divided in 8 National Team s (each team will have 4 players + 1 substitute player). Team s will race each of our tracks in synch with the Ski World Cup events, having a maximum of 3 attempts for each team member (the main racers, without the substitutes, for a total of 12 attempts per team, not re-assignable to other team members) for each track. The best time (with no missed flags) will be taken into consideration to compare with the rest of the performances and define the ranking. For each Ski World Cup event represented in the game, teams race against each other when the world cup event takes place, trying to get the highest score. The total points of the team will define their position in the ranking. As in the qualification process, if two or more team s have the same number of points, priority in the ranking is given to the team s with more wins, if equal on that, to the one with more 2nd places. If equal on 1sts and 2nds, then it goes to who has more 3rds and more 4th places.
6 Definition and conditions of the substitute player
6.1 The substitute player shall be determined based on their qualification at the 5th position in the Ski Challenge Nations Cup Qualifier. Prior to each race in the tournament phase, the team must communicate whether the original four players will participate or if a substitution is required with the designated substitute player. Such communication must be made within a minimum of 24 hours before the race commencement. In the event that a team fails to notify the substitution, or the original four players are unavailable without a substitute, the Ski Challenge Team reserves the right to schedule the original team members accordingly, and
any absence shall result in a failure to collect points. The designated substitute player shall enjoy full team member status and shall be entitled to participate in the race, contributing to the team’s performance and point tally. Additionally, the substitute player shall be eligible to receive their share in the payout distribution, regardless of the frequency with which they have been participating.
7 Conditions of participation
7.1 To be eligible to participate in the Tournament, the participants must meet all of the following eligibility criteria:
(i) have citizenship status in one of the following countries: Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, USA, Norway and, in the case of the Europe Allstars team, in any of the following countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden;
(ii) be aged 16 or more at the time of their participation for the qualification stage and be aged 16 or more at the time of their participation for the final stage;
(iii) not be an employee and/or contractor (on a freelancing basis) of the Organizer, or of the Organizer’s parent company Greentube GmbH, or of any of the companies affiliated with the Organizer;
(iv) not be involved, in any capacity, in the development and/or operation of the Game; and
(v) not be relatives of the persons specified in (iii) and (iv) above.
7.2 In addition to the eligibility criteria specified above, in order to qualify for a prize as part of the Challenge, the participants must fulfill all of the following conditions of participation:
(i) have the Game downloaded and installed, and a profile created within the Game;
(ii) wear the designated Nations Cup suit, relevant to their national team. In case of Austria, Germany and Switzerland, the official national suits will be made available in the game.
7.3 A participant may participate in the Challenge once only, provided that the participant fulfills all relevant Conditions for participation, with regards to each stage. Multiple accounts or attempts from a different account from the same player are prohibited and can result in an immediate disqualification of the player, regardless the result reached.
8 Winner selection and prizes
8.1 After the end of the duration of the Qualification stage, the Organizer selects five winners (four winners and the substitute) for each team and distributes their corresponding prize. This applies to the Qualification stage only. For this purpose, the Organizer assesses the time of each participation as described in 4.1 and attributes the prize to the five participants who have fulfilled all the condition mentioned. For the Qualification, prizes will be the following:
(i) The 1st place qualification winner – An Amazon gift voucher of the value of 400 euro (or equivalent) and a place to perform in the National team at the Tournament.
(ii) The 2nd place qualification winner – An Amazon gift voucher of the value of 300 euro (or equivalent) and a place to perform in the National team at the Tournament.
(iii) The 3rd place qualification winner – An Amazon gift voucher of the value of 200 euro (or equivalent) and a place to perform in the National team at the Tournament.
(iv) The 4th place qualification winner – An Amazon gift voucher of the value of 125 euro (or equivalent) and a place to perform in the National team at the Tournament.
(v) The 5th place qualification winner (substitute player) – An Amazon gift voucher of the value of 100 euro (or equivalent) and a place to perform in the National team at the Tournament
Similar to the previous stage, at the end of the Tournament stage, the Organizer selects three winning Team s and distributes their corresponding prize. For this purpose, the Organizer assesses the time of each participation as described in 4.2 and attributes the prize to the Teams which have fulfilled all the conditions mentioned. For the Final, prizes will be the following:
(vi) The 1st place winner – 10.000 Euro (or equivalent) divided in equal parts between the team members, including substitute players.
(vii) The 2nd place winner – 5.000 Euro (or equivalent) divided in equal parts between the team members, including substitute players.
(viii) The 3rd place winner – 1.000 Euro (or equivalent) divided in equal parts between the team members, including substitute players.
8.2 In addition, the Organizer may decide to include a physical medal as part of the prizes.
8.3 There is no legal claim to the prizes. The winner is not entitled to request the exchange of the prize for any monetary or non-monetary compensation. The Organizer reserves the right to exchange the prizes for monetary or non-monetary compensation of a similar value.
8.4 The winner is not entitled to transfer the prize to a third party. All taxes and customs, if any, levied on the prize or its delivery to the winner shall be borne by the winner. The Organizer shall not reimburse the participants for any costs incurred by them in connection with their participation in the Challenge, or with a win in the Challenge. The Organizer bears no responsibility for defects in the Prize and possible damages in connection with the use of the Prize.
9 Prize acceptance and communication
9.1 After confirming that the participants meet the Conditions of participation and Winner selection above, the Organizer will contact the winners via email and verify their identity and the age and citizenship requirements. For the qualification stage winner’s eligibility, proof of citizenship will be requested (ie. Valid passport). If conditions are not fulfilled, the prize will be given to the next in the ranking (if first fails, second become first, and so on). Until they are not confirmed, they are candidates to win, not winners.
9.2 Should the winner accept the prize, provide all necessary information requested by the Organizer, and meet the relevant requirements within the 72-hour period from the initial email communication.
9.3 If the winner does not meet the requirements, declines, and/or does not provide the Organizer with the required information within the 72-hour period from the initial email communication, the Organizer can decide whether it will select a substitute winner following the same procedure as above or whether the prize will be considered vacant and will not pass on any other participants.
9.4 By entering in the challenge and accepting these terms and conditions, the winners accept to grant the use of their image for campaign and marketing purposes.
10 Publication of the winners
10.1 Winners may be published (within the scope of their personal data as specified in Article 8.3 below) on the website and social media platform s of the Organizer or third parties who have been commissioned by the Organizer to publish the winners.
11 Data protection
11.1 To achieve the aim s of the Challenge and subsequent reward of its participants, the Organizer (data controller) collects and processes personal data of the participants. The Organizer conducts these processing activities always pursuant and within the scope of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Austrian Data Protection Act (Datenschutzgesetz).
11.2 The purpose of the processing of the data, what data will be collected, the use that the Company will do of said data and the rights of the participants can be found in our Privacy Notice (Ski Challenge – Privacy Notice – Ski Challenge (
11.3 The participants understand that by participating in the Challenge their personal data within the scope of participant alias and performance data may be shared on the social media and websites of the Organizer or third parties who have been commissioned by the Organizer to publish the participants. The participants understand that by winning the Challenge their personal data within the scope of first name, last name, participant alias and performance data from the Game may be shared on the social media and websites of the Organizer or third parties who have been commissioned by the Organizer to publish the winners.
Additionally, only with the consent of the respective participant, the Organizer may publish the winner’s photo, audio and video recording on its social media and websites or on the social medias and website of any third party commissioned by the Organizer.
11.4 Some of the personal data above (winner’s name, surname, residency address) may need to be communicated to a third-party (issuer of the prize and the relevant courier service) in order to facilitate the issuance and delivery of the prizes.
12 Final provisions
12.1 This Challenge is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with any social media platform. By entering the Challenge, the participant agrees to these Promotional Term s and Conditions and confirm s that they release the Social Media Platform s of any responsibility in connection with this Giveaway.
12.2 The Organizer reserves the right to decide on all questions related to this Challenge as well as reserves the right to limit, postpone, interrupt, change or cancel the Challenge at any time for reasons worthy of special consideration.
12.3 The Organizer reserves the right to verify all participants and/or winners and to refuse to award a prize or withdraw prize entitlement and/or refuse further participation in the Game and disqualify the participant where there are reasonable grounds to believe there has been a breach of these Promotional Terms and Conditions or of the General Terms and Conditions, or otherwise where a participant has gained unfair advantage in participating in the Challenge or won using fraudulent means, or where a participant is prohibited to be provided with any form of winning or compensation in line with the relevant AML legislation or any other applicable legal requirements.
12.4 In addition, the Organizer is entitled to exclude any participant from the Challenge who has provided incorrect data or information in the Challenge, manipulated or attempted to manipulate the results of the Challenge, deliberately caused or exploited a Game malfunction or defect.
12.5 In the event of any dispute regarding the Challenge, the decision of the Organizer will be final and binding.
12.6 By entering into this Challenge, the participants agree to be bound by these Promotional Terms and Conditions.
12.7 Participants must ensure that their participation (including the acceptance of any prize awarded) is lawful in accordance with the laws of the country of which they are a citizen and/or reside. This Challenge may be void where void under local national laws. The Organizer makes no representations, express or implied, as to the legality of any individual’s participation.
12.8 If any of these clauses should be determined to be illegal, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable then it shall be severed and deleted from these Promotional Term s and Conditions and the remaining clauses shall be unaffected and remain in full force and effect.
12.9 These Promotional Term s and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Austria. Any disputes arising in connection with these Promotional Term s and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Austrian courts.
12.10 These Promotional Term s and Conditions are constructed in English and German language. In case of discrepancies between the two language versions, the English version shall prevail.